Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I've had this dress for nearly 10 years now, and it's still one of my favorites. It's a 1920s style dress from Nataya. I got it for $150 when I was in Stratford, and at the time it was the most expensive piece of clothing I'd ever bought. I was so nervous about it, but I loved, loved, loved it, closed my eyes, and forked over the money.

Apparently that $150.00 was the start of a downward spiral, as I can now spend that without batting a pretty little eyelash. Sigh... there could be worse addictions than clothing & accessories, right?


Elle - The Violet Reaction said...

Funny how that spending spiral goes... I caved and bought myself a pair of John Fluevog shoes last month that were over $200, even though the most expensive pair I'd ever bought before that was only $60. Now when I look at pairs that are only $100 or so, I think, "Oh, that's not so bad, I can afford that!" haha.

Beautiful dress, though! Definitely worth the splurge.

KristiMcMurry said...

Wow! Gorgeous dress. I'm still nervous about spending even $100 on an article of clothing. I guess it's a good thing. I have a feeling it would get worse though if I ever made more money.